ACTFL Proficiency Placement Test (APPT)


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APPT是对解释性听力和解释性阅读模式的星际网赌登录, as defined by the World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages.

听力部分衡量考生对口语的自然理解程度 ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines. 阅读部分衡量的是一个人对书面文本的自然理解程度, as described in the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines. 听力和阅读部分星际网赌登录一般语言能力, rather than what is learned in a specific program, class, school, or university. It is not tied to a particular teaching method or curriculum. Rather than assessing what a person “knows” about the language, APPT是对一个人理解口语和书面语能力的星际网赌登录.

APPT对听力和阅读的熟练程度进行了单独的评分 ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines. Proficiency ratings range from Novice Low to Advanced Low. 这些结果被用作一般熟练程度的指标,以便安排参加语言课程.



Reasons to Use APPT

ACTFL水平分班考试(APPT)是为进入大学语言课程的学生设计的,他们希望确定自己的阅读和听力水平,以便在语言课程中分配. 它帮助语言课程的教师根据学习者的语言能力做出明智的决定,即哪门语言课程是最好的学习课程.


The APPT was developed in partnership with Brigham Young University’s (BYU) Center for Language Studies. The test consists of two sections, reading and listening, which assess the interpretive mode of communication.

听力和阅读部分包括真实的音频段落和阅读文本,以星际网赌登录初级和高级水平之间的语言水平. Listening passages and reading texts vary in genre, content, length, and complexity depending on the level being targeted. 每篇短文或课文后面都有一个英语选择题.

As a computer adaptive test, the APPT adapts to the test taker's listening and reading abilities; the computer algorithm selects questions based on the test taker’s performance on previous questions. 在收集到足够的信息以确定“最低”等级(考生表现出持续表现的水平)和“最高”等级(出现崩溃模式的水平)之前,测试问题将呈现给考生。. Then the test will end.

This makes the test efficient in both time and effort, 阅读和听力部分的时间都不超过60分钟. While the test is not timed, 个别测试问题要求在每个熟练程度的预定时间内作答.

根据考生的能力,每个部分有10-25个问题. A demo test is available online.

Proficiency Ranges

APPT在ACTFL评分量表上从新手低到高级低测量阅读和听力水平. 阅读和听力技能的APPT结果被用作一般熟练程度的指标, they are not official proficiency ratings. The following summary offers the descriptors from the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines for reading and listening proficiency at each major level.

Proficiency Ranges for APPT

Assessment Criteria

口译听力主要基于听者能从说话内容中理解的信息量, 以及他们可以从听一个或多个说话者在各种情况下产生的口语中做出的推断和联系. Likewise, 解释性阅读在很大程度上取决于读者能从文本中理解多少信息, 以及他们可以在文本内、文本间和不同语境中做出的推断和联系. APPT星际网赌登录学习者在各种环境下对口语或书面语的理解程度, regardless of where, when, or how the language was acquired.


  • the functions and purposes of the spoken or written language,
  • the content areas and contexts for the spoken or written language,
  • the text type that the learner can understand in the language,
  • 学习者能理解的词汇和语法结构的范围
  • the cultural references the learner can understand in the language.

Reasons to Use APPT

ACTFL水平分班考试(APPT)是为进入大学语言课程的学习者设计的,他们希望确定自己的阅读和听力水平,以便在语言课程中分配. 它帮助语言课程的教师做出明智的决定,哪门语言课程将是最好的学习课程, based on the learner’s language ability.



Reliability and Validity

ACTFL水平分班测试(APPT)是一个有效和可靠的听力和阅读水平星际网赌登录. The APPT was developed in alignment with a well-defined construct, following a rigorous development process. 项目进行了实地测试,以验证和校准计算机自适应模型. 必要时根据定期反馈对项目进行修订、重新校准、存档或评审. Further, new items are added regularly, following the rigorous item development procedures, field testing, and validation processes.