
ACTFL offers institutions a variety of workshops catered to PreK-12 language educators. 这些讲习班是建立在熟练程度和基于标准的教学实践的基础上的, 所有的目标都是为教育工作者提供工具,引导他们的学习者进入下一个阶段. 我们一直致力于推出涵盖广泛主题的新研讨会-请务必参考本页以获取更新!

Guiding Learners to Higher Levels of Proficiency

What really counts to move along the proficiency continuum (from Novice, 到中级, and towards the 先进的 level of proficiency)? 什么策略是有效的发展熟练使用每种沟通方式? Through the lens of the NCSSFL-ACTFL 乐观进取的语句, unpack the elements of proficiency and what they mean for planning effective tasks. Experience and analyze a variety of examples from one sample unit of instruction. 确定一个你正在教的课程,并把它作为一个镜头,通过它来应用你的学习. 引导您的学习者发展语言功能和信心,以达到更高的熟练程度.

最大的参与者: 25
交付语言: 英语
请看我们详细的日程安排 Workshop Agenda Guiding Learners to Higher Levels of Proficiency.


  1. 同步放大
    Can be scheduled as one day or split over two days
    小时: 7.5人(含1人).5小时休息时间)

  2. 面对面 (may not be offered due to pandemic)
    Scheduled as one-day/full-day workshop
    小时: 7.5人(含1人).5小时休息时间)

发展中 & Assessing the Three Modes of Communication

首先要对不同水平的语言能力以及如何支持学习者朝着语言能力目标前进达成共识. 开发一个策略工具箱,以设计有目的的单元并在三种交流模式中执行任务(解释性), 人际关系, 并确定支持语言目标的日常学习活动. 运用逆向设计原则,利用真实资源,有效规划目标语言的有意义的学习体验. 探讨在每种交流模式下的语言技能星际网赌登录,以及让学习者参与自我星际网赌登录以不断提高熟练程度的策略.

最大的参与者: 25
交付语言: 英语
请看我们详细的日程安排 在这里.


  1. 同步放大
    Can be scheduled as one day or split over two days
    小时: 7.5人(含1人).5小时休息时间)

  2. 面对面 (may not be offered due to pandemic)
    Scheduled as one-day/full-day workshop
    小时: 7.5人(含1人).5小时休息时间)


This workshop is an introduction to the AAPPL. AAPPL是基于网络的基于K-12标准的语言学习能力和表现星际网赌登录. 它根据世界语言学习准备标准对三种交流模式的任务进行星际网赌登录. Participants will learn the traits of learners at Novice, 中间, or 先进的 as well as strategies for moving students along the proficiency continuum. 另外, 参与者将共同开发一个学生友好的标准(K-12)和提示适合每个熟练程度.

最大的参与者: 25
请看我们详细的日程安排 在这里.


  1. 同步放大
    Can be scheduled as one day or split over two days
    小时: 8个(包括1个.5小时休息时间)

  2. 面对面 (may not be offered due to pandemic)
    Scheduled as on-day/full-day workshop
    小时: 8个(包括1个.5小时休息时间)


This workshop familiarizes participants with the ACTFL熟练程度指引, ACTFL评定量表,以及 ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI). The OPI is a valid and reliable means of assessing how well a person speaks a language. This workshop includes presentations by ACTFL staff or facilitators, examples of ACTFL OPIs conducted by our certified testers, 还有一些活动可以巩固你对每个专业熟练程度的理解.

请注意:完成此工作坊的参加者没有资格申请有限(新手低-中高)或全面(新手低-高级)OPI测试员认证. 本课程适合不希望获得OPI测试员认证的语言教育者.

最大的参与者: 20
请看我们详细的日程安排 在这里 (this applies only to synchronous and in-person deliveries).


  1. 同步放大 (完全由调解人进行)
    Can be scheduled as one day or split over two days
    小时: 8.5人(含1人).5小时休息时间)

  2. 通过按需模块实现异步 (没有主持人)
    Course can be open for up to one month maximum
    小时: 12 (estimated for completion of modules)

  3. 混合(按需)模块和两个1.5 hour Zoom discussion sessions with facilitator)
    Course can be open for up to one month maximum
    小时: 15 (estimated for completion of modules and discussion sessions)

  4. 面对面 (may not be offered due to pandemic)
    Scheduled as one-day/full-day workshop
    小时: 8.5人(含1人).5小时休息时间)


的介绍 ACTFL熟练程度指引 2012 – 写作, 本工作坊向参加者介绍主要和次要水平描述符,以及分配全球写作水平等级的标准. Participants explore a variety of writing tasks across levels of proficiency, evaluate language samples based on the criteria as described in the guidelines, 并在四个主要层面设计适当的写作活动和写作星际网赌登录提示.

最大的参与者: 25
请看我们详细的日程安排 在这里.

交付 选项:

  1. 同步放大
    Can be scheduled as one day or split over two days
    小时: 7(包括1.5小时休息时间)

  2. 面对面 (may not be offered due to pandemic)
    Scheduled as one-day/full-day workshop
    小时: 7(包括1.5小时休息时间)

发展中 Interpretive Reading and Listening Proficiency

This workshop focuses on how to use the ACTFL熟练程度指引 培养学生对目的语的听力和阅读的理解能力. 参加者将审阅 ACTFL熟练程度指引 阅读和听力,然后介绍这些解释模式的文本类型学. 研讨会的大部分时间都花在实践活动上,指导参与者如何1)根据他们的总体目标和目标受众来星际网赌登录他们现有材料的有效性, 2)选择真实的阅读和听觉文本,并利用它们设计适当的基于不同水平的活动. 在研讨会结束时, 与会者还将有机会讨论星际网赌登录这些解释模式的含义.

最大的参与者: 25
请看我们详细的日程安排 在这里.

交付 选项:

  1. 同步放大
    Can be scheduled as one day or split over two days
    小时: 7.5人(含1人).5小时休息时间)

  2. 面对面 (may not be offered due to pandemic)
    Scheduled as one-day/full-day workshop
    小时: 7.5人(含1人).5小时休息时间)

The Role of Grammar in the Development of Proficiency

这个研讨会的重点是如何从功能和熟练的角度来学习语法. After exploring a framework for addressing grammar functionally, 参与者将通过实践活动来星际网赌登录他们现有的材料, rethink the treatment of grammar inside individual courses and across the curriculum, 设计旨在帮助学生掌握不同熟练程度的语法结构的活动.

最大的参与者: 25
请看我们详细的日程安排 在这里.


  1. 同步放大
    Can be scheduled as one day or split over two days
    小时: 8个(包括1个.5小时休息时间)

  2. 面对面 (may not be offered due to pandemic)
    Scheduled as one-day/full-day workshop
    小时: 8个(包括1个.5小时休息时间)

Integrating Skills and Modes for Curriculum Design

本次研讨会的重点是如何建立一个课程,旨在保持学生在整体熟练程度方面稳步进步. ACTFL facilitators will focus the workshop on achieving 中间, 先进的, or Superior levels of proficiency in various skills (Speaking, 写作, Reading and Listening) and modes (人际关系, 表象的, Interpretive) depending on the needs and aims of your program, 教师和学生.

最大的参与者: 25
请看我们详细的日程安排 在这里.


  1. 同步放大
    Can be scheduled as one day or split over two days
    小时: 7(包括1.5小时休息时间)

  2. 面对面 (may not be offered due to pandemic)
    Scheduled as one-day/full-day workshop
    小时: 7(包括1.5小时休息时间)


Are you ready to schedule an ACTFL workshop? If you’ve chosen a workshop above that best fits your institutions’ needs, please review and complete the following checklist, prior to submitting your request to ACTFL, as this will help expedite the arrangements:

  1. 决定您所在机构的最佳交付形式,并为本次研讨会提供资金.
  2. Determine your preferred dates and schedule. 请参考您所在机构的日历,了解可用的PD日,并在方便的时间表上咨询您的预期参与者. You must provide two sets of dates when submitting your request to ACTFL. We will do our best to accommodate your preferences, 但请注意,我们不能保证ACTFL的工作人员和合适的辅导员都能到场.
  3. 招募你的参与者名单. 这将使您能够通过调查来确定您和您的参与者的最佳日期和时间表.
  4. 咨询贵机构的财务和/或采购部门,了解贵机构安排和汇出专业发展服务费用的程序. Be sure that you can answer the following:
    1. 哪个机构/组织将支付本次研讨会的发票,账单地址是什么?
    2. Does ACTFL need to go through a vendor application process with your institution?
    3. Are t在这里 contracts/paperwork that ACTFL must sign for your institution?
    4. Are you required to create a Purchase Order to process ACTFL’s invoice?
    5. Does the invoice need to be sent to a specific individual for processing? If so, what is their name and email address?
    6. 除了签署ACTFL的服务协议外,您是否需要单独的提案/报价文件?


Once you have completed the above checklist, you are now ready to contact ACTFL and submit your request! Should you submit your request and have not completed this checklist, 这将大大延迟处理您的请求,ACTFL工作人员将无法继续进行研讨会安排,直到所有清单项目都最终确定.

ACTFL receives requests for institutionally hosted workshops through this 候补名单的形式. 填妥此表格后, ACTFL will be in contact with you regarding your submission within 2 business weeks. 请注意,虚拟研讨会的申请必须在研讨会开始日期前至少60天提交, and at least 90 days in advance for in-person workshops. 如有任何查询,请电邮至
