




Established in 2014 and generously endowed by his former student Stella Economou, the 利奥·贝纳多K-12语言教育创新奖 recognizes an educator whose work reflects innovative instructional practice supporting programs with of a majority of underserved students in a variety of educational settings—including public and private schools in urban, 郊区, 农村地区.

This award stands as a testament to the many contributions that ACTFL’s second President, 狮子座Benardo, 为职业而生. For Leo, ensuring inclusion and equity were paramount to our work as educators. 正如他所分享的, “正如我所说的,首先必须达成一致, or believe—that no child should be barred from foreign language, and the reverse of that: Every child should have an opportunity to study another language.”

Having grown up in a trilingual home speaking French and Ladino with parents of Turkish origin, Leo served as Director of Foreign Languages for New York City Schools from 1966 to 1987. 在这20年里, he was responsible for introducing FLES programs in the schools, constructing and evaluating New York State Regents Examinations, and establishing the City University of New York Council on Foreign Languages to develop articulation between high schools and colleges.

在几十年充满激情的职业生涯中, Leo observed the language education field embrace new technology time and again and promoted the shift from more static methods to actively encouraging learners to use their skills in authentic, 他们在当地社区的真实生活环境. He used the then-groundbreaking medium of television to demonstrate methods of teaching languages; instituted the recruitment of teachers from Puerto Rico, 多米尼加共和国, and Spain; and collaborated with the United Nations to bring attention to the importance of language education. 社区 engagement was a vital practice in his approach to innovation.

“创新意味着‘新’.’ There are those who say there’s nothing new under the sun, but there always is,” Leo asserted when asked about the guiding force behind this award. “当我们谈到创新时, it’s any idea that will get students and teachers active and moving to improve their instruction. 任何想法!”

李奥获得了许多奖项,包括 帕尔梅学院骑士 由法国政府提供, a Medal of Appreciation from New York City Mayor Abraham Beame, NECTFL尼尔森布鲁克斯奖, and the Distinguished Service Award from the Chicago Board of Education.



Nominations and self-nominations may be made only by ACTFL members.

  1. The nomination dossier must include the following documents (in order):
    1. A cover letter introducing the nominee and other dossier materials to follow, signed by nominator or by self-nominee (not to exceed 500 words).
    2. 简历 被提名人简介(不超过10页或4500字).
    3. A program narrative addressing the award criteria (not to exceed 4500 words).
    4. Letters of support – maximum of 3; including but not limited to colleagues, 监事, 现在或以前的学生, 和管理员.
    5. Other supporting documentation not to exceed 10 pages or 4500 words (e.g.、照片、文物、物品等.) that documents the nominee’s excellence in teaching of culture in world language education at the local, 状态, 区域, 国家, and inter国家 levels (see rubric for specific criteria and indicators); supporting materials may include links to video and audio files. Complete nomination dossiers must be submitted through the online form in one PDF file by the deadline.
  2. Complete nomination dossiers must be submitted to ACTFL in one PDF file by the deadline.

NOTE: No member or officer of the ACTFL or Language Connects Foundation 董事会 may write a letter of support for any award nominee or actively shepherd the nomination of an award nominee. No member or officer of the ACTFL or Language Connects Foundation 董事会, or ACTFL employee is eligible for nomination for any award while holding these positions.


  1. The award Selection Committee will be chaired by a member of ACTFL, 由现任总工会主席邀请.
  2. Committee members will be selected from those that apply as volunteers.
  3. Committee members rate and rank the dossiers using the award rubric and return their ratings and rankings to the Committee Chair or Co-Chairs by an agreed upon date.
  4. The Committee may meet as many times as needed to decide on the award recipient.
  5. At the discretion of the Committee, the award may or may not be presented during a given year.
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