Tips for OPI and OPIc Test Takers

The OPI and the OPIc are proficiency-based assessments that are designed to assess spontaneous unrehearsed language ability.


Since proficiency develops over time, cramming and last-minute practice will not improve a proficiency rating.

Below are a few suggestions to help you prepare over time.

Understand Your Proficiency Goal

Make sure you understand the features of speech that are representative of your proficiency goal. You can do that by reviewing proficiency resources such as the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, NCSSFL- ACTFL 乐观进取的语句,或 ILR Skill Level Descriptions. Incorporate consistent opportunities for language use to help you develop your proficiency over time. Participate in activities and tasks that encourage you to use the target language in ways described by the proficiency guidelines. Practice, practice, practice!

Understand the Test Format

The OPI occurs in four parts: introduction, warm-up, the interview, and the cool down. The interview includes two types of prompts: level checks and probes. The tester will move between level checks and probes until they arrive at a final rating. Familiarize yourself with the format of the OPI by reviewing the OPI熟悉指南.

The OPIc is a computer-delivered assessment that emulates the ‘live’ OPI, but delivery of prompts is through a carefully designed computer program, 通过虚拟化身, 艾娃, OPIc测试器.” Familiarize yourself with the format of the OPI by reviewing the OPIc Familiarization Guide.