Board Positions

Board positions

Job Descriptions

Board Members (3-year Term)

ACTFL董事会成员在领导战略方向和推进使命方面发挥着关键作用, vision, 以及ACTFL和语言教育行业的战略规划. 电子下注软件将在各种场合代表ACTFL的专业人士,作为ACTFL使命和语言教育专业的倡导者. 董事会成员负有重要的法律和信托责任, requiring them to review and approve budgets, protect the organization’s assets, be good stewards of the organization's finances, and oversee the strategic direction and health of ACTFL. ACTFL董事会成员在其任期内也将至少在几个ACTFL委员会中的一个任职. 总工会董事会的所有成员也将每年参加三次董事会会议, 其中一个是与ACTFL年度大会一起计划的 & World Languages Expo in November. Travel is required; however, ACTFL covers all associated costs, including substitute teachers. 本年度可能还需要举行更多的虚拟会议.

The ACTFL Presidency

ACTFL董事会主席的任期为三年, 分为三个不同的位置:当选总统, President, and Past-President.

First Year - President-Elect

当选总统花一年时间向总统学习,为下一年的服务做准备, assists in planning meetings, 并在总统无法履行其职责时担任主持官员. 当选总统是ACTFL执行委员会的成员,每月与主席一起参加执行委员会的电话/虚拟会议, Past President, Treasurer, and Executive Director. 当选人是董事会有表决权的成员,并应履行董事长指定的职责.

Second Year - President

主席是ACTFL执行委员会的成员,每月与当选总统一起主持执行委员会电话会议/虚拟会议, Past President, Treasurer, and Executive Director. 主席还在其担任主席的年度内主持ACTFL的每次董事会会议,并是董事会的投票成员. In addition, 总工会主席负责批准所有委员会(工作在当选总统年度年底开始)并建立任何额外的委员会/工作组, as needed and as permitted in the ACTFL Bylaws. Other responsibilities include:

  • 代表ACTFL出席地区、州及其他会议
  • Serving as a spokesperson for ACTFL in the press
  • 为《电子下注软件》(TLE)和《电子下注软件》(FLA)撰写每季总统专栏。
  • Presiding over the ACTFL Annual Convention & World Languages Expo

Third Year - Past President

前任主席是ACTFL执行委员会的成员,并与主席一起参加每月的执行委员会电话/虚拟会议, President-Elect, Treasurer, and Executive Director. 前任总统是现任总统的重要顾问, is a voting member of the Board of Directors, 并应履行总统指定的职责. 前任会长目前负责批准奖项委员会,并主持ACTFL年会的专业颁奖典礼 & World Languages Expo.

Board Expectations


  • 1月底/ 2月初-董事会培训/入职培训
  • May Board Meeting in Alexandria, VA
  • 11月董事会会议暨ACTFL年会 & World Languages Expo

Travel is required; however, ACTFL covers all associated costs, including substitute teachers. 本年度可能还需要举行更多的虚拟会议. 预计董事会成员出席会议时将做好充分准备,并准备好将时间用于董事会的业务. 成员们被要求阅读会议前发送的所有材料, respond in a timely fashion, 并在会议前与执行主任联系,提出问题和关切.

Board members are also required to:

  • At the annual convention, attend and participate in all Board of Director meetings and in the Delegate Assembly; perform other duties at the convention as requested by the Executive Committee.
  • Serve on committees as appointed by the President.
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the President


  • 参加地方、州和地区的世界语言教育者会议
  • 在这些会议和主办机构的董事会上作报告
  • 在地方、州和地区会议上积极招募ACTFL成员
  • 在一般教育组织的地方、州和地区分会的会议上发言
  • Performing other appropriate duties on behalf of ACTFL
Board Nominations

Interested in serving on the ACTFL Board?
